In every man's life - and I'm referring here to the male population - there comes a point where one must endure the discomfort of a medical examination. Yesterday, I let my valve, which usually lets matter only out, be exposed to an intruder in the form of the finger of a urologist. Apart from the embarrassment one feels while lying on the examination table half-naked like a sun-bathing frog on the pavement and being exposed to the look of a significantly younger female assistant, the whole procedure was only mildly unpleasant. Not to mention one's “precious part” that shrinks and gets as tiny as a poppyseed grain when diving into icy waters. This is the effect cold examination rooms can have on men's anatomy. There goes your manhood in a split second. Thankfully, the immediate result was reassuring, all clear, and it took the mortification away. Once the doctor finished his part, I hastily grabbed my jacket and scuttled down the stairs as an Olympic sprinter, wanting t...