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The Date Conundrum

Were there ancient civilisations whose scientists foresaw the portents of today by any chance? After checking the calendar this morning, it dawned on me that 02.24.2024 might be translated by the standards of numerology as judgement day. Suppose we apply the rules of theoretical mathematics, where solving an intricate equation requires the use of an unknown factor, or we twist something that, in fact, wouldn't need to be twisted; we might agree that by switching the numbers of February, we might find ourselves in some long predicted ordeal that occurs only on this date. Just like the Mayan calendar envisioned doomsday. However, if this is the end of the world, why worry? And why have these thoughts emerged unexpectedly from the darkest nooks and cronies of my mind? This remains a mystery to me.

However, reality struck me hard after waking up from another short and not-so-memorable sleep. The repercussions of the previous days have left their mark on today. Waking up with gold-fish eyes, bulging like two enormous bowling balls, and realising how little time I spent with closed eyelids determined my day. The then-churning industrial chimney-like ears that exhausted thick grey fume when my grey matter rattled like a steam machine under the stress of examining the previous day's events resembled a forlorn factory. A still-life that photographers would surely avoid taking. The derelict look I saw in the mirror reflecting the portrayal of an ailing, confused retired geezer corroborated this theory. Let's be honest; it wasn't a pleasant look. Even five decades weren't enough to accustom myself to my reflection. So, why worry?

My brain activity was palpable when the first drop of black gold hit my palate, dissolving the grim look and the thick fog from my mind. The gauges of my mind's activity were in the working zone when the last sip passed my epiglottis. The grey image on my inner canvas became colourful, and the words "You're ready to go!" flashed relentlessly. I took advantage of this sudden clarity and dashed off to browse the internet for solar-powered SIM-capable outdoor cameras. Nevertheless, I wish I hadn't begun this soul-destroying activity. The abundance of merchandise was baffling. Considering the "ecosystem" one wants to add such cameras with their features and synchronise them with their devices is genuinely bewildering. I was on the verge of running through plasterboard walls when my stomach goaded me into preparing lunch.

After we devoured the nosh, I gave Ági a foot massage, and after finishing it, we all dozed off. The rest of the day was painfully eventless. We watched some episodes of our current favourite series, New Tricks. I took Abby for her afternoon walk and crafted a letter to the insurance company. The subsequent events are not worth mentioning.


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