My new bridge is in my mouth. It took the doc almost an hour to meticulously and precisely fit it in and cement it. I wasn't allowed to eat for three hours, and I still can't chew anything on the left side of my jaw. However, my dental features are ship-shape-and-shiny. Only one tooth is left: they need to replace the old filling. Once it's done, I'll have a Hollywood-type smile.
Before the dental care, I went through the lesson plan I'd prepared the other day for today. When I returned home from the dentist, I took Abby for her afternoon walk and drove to Budapest to teach. Before arriving at where I taught, I popped into a store to buy some "kifli" for later and four "Túró Rudi" to appease my rumbling stomach.
After teaching, I hurried back home, grabbed two "kifli", some butter and plum jam, and ate like a king. It was already pitch dark when we returned from our evening walk with Abby. I hate the early dusks. However, summer tries to conquer autumn with its last warmth, but it is nothing but the grand finale before the imminent seasonal change.
I'll skip the wooden fence and the painting of my office this year and leave them for next spring. There are two more important tasks I must deal with: 1. the rearranging project in the basement, and 2. the renovation of the basement door that opens to the back garden. Once I'm ready with these remaining tasks, I can focus on my English studies and teaching preparation.
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