Despite my optimism of getting back to normal and sleeping uninterrupted like a log, I woke up at 1:00 a.m. I found my eyes wide open but this wasn’t the weirdest part of it. My mind wasn’t miffed at it; that was uncanny. I merely noticed the fact that my brain switched into drive mode and coerced me into leaving the warmth of my comfy bed without any second thoughts of returning to the realm of reveries. What is going on beneath my skull?
I went to the living room, sat down in front of the TV, and watched videos about prompt engineering and power point editing. Is this really what a sane person does at night? Needless to say, my day went accordingly. I was merely a shadow of my former self all day. After several unsuccessful attempts of dozing off, I gave in and accepted my fate. I crafted a lesson plan to my beginner student, but that was the pinnacle of the day.
I wish I could sleep through the night without getting out of bed in the small hours.
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