This COVID long-term side effects nightmare continues. Despite the relatively calm night, I woke up with a sore throat. I mean, I can't believe symptoms worsen instead of disappearing for good. What kind of virus is this that can make our days a living hell? It's been a month now since we caught this disease, and I can't help but think how elated we would be if it disappeared at once! Although I know we must be patient and let our system do the job, it's not an easy requirement.
Anyway, despite all these tribulations, at least the weather is shite. The cold wind made all our walks with Abby a freezing expedition. And, to my horror, she wouldn't notice how bad the weather was today. Like a sanctimonious narcissistic St. Bernard dog, she was strolling the streets jauntily. I tried to indicate to her how much I disliked the walks, but she couldn't care less. What a plonker, she might have thought. Anyway, a few more days left from real winter and the mild season returns.
As for English, I completed my beginner student's next lesson and my homework. The latter was a real challenge because my mind still goes blank after concentrating on more complex tasks. The essay in which I had to evaluate two texts I was supposed to write was about memory. I had to read two texts about memory in different contexts and summarise and evaluate them in 240-280 words. Even though I enjoyed writing it, it drained my batteries almost completely.
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