It happened again; HBD to me. Heading towards being an old miserable git makes life so much easier. Not being able to fit the candles on the birthday cake tells you what an old plonker you became. Nevertheless, after so many decades, I can confidently say that the most precious gifts from life are my wife, my dogs, and my health. As I mature and my life slowly turns into slow-motion recording, things previously considered valuable lose their charm completely.
Enough of this prattling on, and let's focus on what happened today. After waking up, I realised I felt much better than yesterday. Apparently, some of COVID's long-term side effects disappeared, although the persistent loss of smell is a tad vexing. I wish I could get a nice olfactory experience while preparing dinner! I haven't lost my sense of smell completely; it's just not as good as it used to be. I do hope it's something temporary.
As for the weather, it is changing. Winter is back! The wind blew arctic air above us, so my evening walk with Abby was like walking on the vast snowfields of Antarctica. The strong wind made the walk terrible. From tomorrow, I can only go out for a walk in my winter expedition coat. What perspectives!
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