It's the third day of my battle with COVID. Due to persistent symptoms, I had to call my GP, who prescribed antibiotics. I have never experienced anything similar before. The regular flu we had been infected with was only a flea fart compared to COVID. The unrelenting pain in my body, the initially runny nose that turned stuffed - and the constant coughing make enduring the challenges this illness entails difficult. One of the most peculiar symptoms is sweating like a pig on ice while sitting still. Mind you, would a pig sweat on ice?
Anyway, I got a bit better today. I didn't have to take as many painkillers as I'd done yesterday and the day before. However, as the sun set at 3:52 p.m., my condition began to deteriorate. I hope it is an unequivocal sign of getting out of this nasty disease; I truly wish it is!
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