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Back in Hungary 🇭🇺

Auf wiederschauen Austria! So, our days in Graz ended, which drew a bitter smile on our faces. We were glad to spend this long weekend there, and we were happy to return home, however, both of us wished to spend more time in this beautiful country. Yesterday afternoon, we checked a local restaurant close to our hotel, "Zu den 3 goldenen kugeln", recommended by the hotel staff. They were right. The place was local, not a single tourist among the geezers, except us, of course, and the atmosphere was similar to some of our restaurants in Hungary. Both of us ordered "schnitzel", and none of us regretted it. The portion was enormous, so by the end of the dish, we were full. My already bulging stomach was like a humongous barrel waiting for a wheelbarrow to travel back into the hotel comfortably. We paid for the meal and hit the road like two shaking-legged, confused old pensioners, heading slowly back to the hotel as sloths. We had to drink an espresso at the reception, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to drag ourselves to the lift and to our room. When we finally started to feel the effects of caffeine, we plucked up the courage and let the lift carry us to the third floor. We entered our room and immediately plonked down onto the bed like weary whales on the beach. (I tried to deepen my short-lived friendship with the restroom by spending a considerable amount of time there yesterday.) Anyway, as the sun set, so did our eyelids get closer to each other, and we could do nothing but obey them. We discussed a few topics later, went through Ági's motivation letter we'd out together on Saturday, and at 8 p.m., we wanted to call it a day. 

Despite being exceptionally tired, I couldn't sleep. I spent the night turning and grumbling because I couldn't sleep. So, after a sleepless night, the day started fairly early. At 7 a.m., we were standing in front of the buffet, browsing the food on offer. At 7:20 a.m., we were in our room packing. At 7:45 a.m., we were in front of the reception, paying our bill and waving goodbye to the friendly staff. At 7:50 a.m., we headed for Parndorf, a popular outlet shopping centre or, more precisely, a retailers' conglomerate. The drive there was fantastic. The scenery was worth the ride as we crossed several mountains. Once in fog, which turned suddenly into a sunny scene, then we were in the middle of a thick dark cloud on the top of one of the Alps' peaks. We arrived in Parndorf at 10:50 a.m., and we were so peckish that we immediately headed for our favourite restaurant, where we ate some - literally - fishy dishes. After lunch, we checked some of our favourite stores. We bought things we would have bought in Hungary otherwise, but the quality difference and them being cheaper in Austria forced us to fill up the boot of the car. 

We arrived home at 3:45 p.m., grabbed some food, and went to pick up Abby at the dog sitter. Boy, was she happy to see us? Of course, she was! She was jumping all over us. I mean Abby, not the dog sitter. And we were over the moon to see and get her back.

All in all, I'm so exhausted that writing this entry took me more time than usual, so I'll jump in the shower and call it a day.


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