This is the 300th entry, and I wish I could celebrate it properly, but I’m feeling rather unwell. Since my condition deteriorated after waking up, I had to call a medical emergency. After describing my symptoms - pain in my entire body, throbbing headache, fever, and high pulse rate - the doctor’s diagnosis was COVID. To make sure, he asked us to check it with these rapid tests, so Ági went to buy it at the pharmacy. I had to put this thing into my nose, then put it into the solution, wait for a minute and add it to the test thing. According to the test’s description, in 15-20 minutes, the test showed positive, negative, or failed test signs. As soon as I dripped the solution onto the test, it immediately showed I was positive for COVID. It could have at least waited ten minutes before stating the obvious. Anyway, I feel like a weevil after a thunderstorm. My power left me. Despite the painkiller, the constant pain in my entire body starts to be unbearable. After the coughing bouts, my...