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Showing posts from December, 2023

Goodbye 2023 - Hello 2024

2023 has been an interesting year for many reasons. There were ups and downs, good and bad times, laughter and tears, but most importantly, us being together. During the last few years, I've noticed that we can overcome any obstacles together, which is a fantastic and soothing thought. Come 2024, for better or worse, together we will solve everything. May the world be a better place in 2024.


It's been three weeks since we came back from Graz and been down with COVID. We are sure the initial COVID infection is over; it's the long-term side effects that affect our days, moods, and quality of life. Not being able to concentrate for longer than ten or twenty minutes is a terrible symptom. The low energy level both of us experience makes us inept to do anything longer than ten or twenty minutes. Even taking Abby for her walks seems like an expedition in the vast snow-covered fields of the Arctic. Practising the tai chi set seems like a real workout for Olympic athletes before the championship. And the sheer thought of buckling down to studying or preparing the next lessons is a far-fetched idea for our wee mind. Even though we know that recovery takes a long time, it is tough to live with the difficulties it entails. What a lovely ending life brought for us at the end of 2023, innit? Anyway, my morning was all about planning. I had to think through my convalesce plan, ...


It's been three weeks already that we've been suffering from COVID. Even though the word part of the infection is over, we can experience some of the typical, lingering long-term side effects. The brain fog is not as thick as it was a week ago, but it still affects my wee, already demented brain. Despite my relatively good and stable energy level, I still can't do as much as possible before the infection. Fortunately, there are no other sinister symptoms besides the common cold, fatigue, brain fog, and lost mojo. Ági's not that lucky, poor thing. She's been suffering from the severe side effects of the common cold. She can't sleep through the night, which is unusual for her. I wish we were healthy! The weather is still unusually warm for December. According to the weather forecast, the first days of the new year will bring significant changes, such as colder temperatures, wind, and rain. Brilliant. As New Year's Eve gets closer, some of our fellow human bein...

Over the hump

Even though my physical condition has improved, I still don't feel the Jedi spirit wanting to break out. Full recovery from COVID can take weeks or even months, and one can only hope it won't leave any long-term symptoms. Even though my physical condition has improved, the lingering flu remains an annoyance, albeit a rather irritating one. Anyway, my head was much clearer today, so I buckled down and planned out my recovery and normal schedule. I need to rediscover my mojo and find my way back to intensive learning. I must focus on my English teaching and CPE exam paths, so it is high time I take action. I need to kill two birds with one stone; therefore, I devised a plan that helps me keep my summer biorhythm without the terrible side effects of the daylight saving time settings, and at the same time, it ensures that I stick to the plan, allowing me time for studying and teaching, taking care of Abby, and reading. I hope I can stick to this seemingly brilliant schedule. Surpri...

Biting the bullet

Apart from some nasty flu-like symptoms, COVID is history for me. I hope I won't relapse, touch wood, and there won't be any lingering side effects or long-term consequences of this disease. The only interesting symptoms I've been experiencing after being infected with the virus are brain fog, disorganisation, constant fatigue, and sleepiness, which irritates me tremendously. Waking up in the morning is a challenge. Even though I've got so many nice plans and thoughts for the day, somehow, these plans vanish into thin air. The entire day is like a dream, and when I come round, it's already evening, and I can call it a day. Bloody brilliant. I must do something about it because it is beyond vexing. I know I must be patient and let my system fully recover from this infection; however, it's not always easy to do so. Anyway, spring took over in December and sent winter to have some rest. Even though it is nice to go out without the expedition clothes, it is still no...

Christmas 🎄

We've never had such a Christmas we've been having recently. Even though we are aware of this holiday's significance and love it very much, we don't feel we need to celebrate or experience it. This terrible disease makes the Festive Season blurry for us. It's like watching Christmas behind frosted glass in an isolation ward. The brain fog and the fatigue we've experienced recently are quite scary. COVID not only makes you sick but also makes sure that you'll suffer during and after being infected. I tried to get back to normal with baby steps, so I tried to do the early morning physical activity - which is mainly moving my neck and body and doing some squats - I used to do before this disease. However, even this insignificant set of movements that hardly elevates one's pulse was so painfully tiring that after a ridiculously low number of repetitions, I had to sit down and rest, just like the members of the nursing home, who, after finishing breakfast, wa...

Christmas 🎄

This Christmas is one of the weirdest Christmases ever for us. When I woke up this morning, the temperature was already +13°C, which gradually got higher during the day. The peak temperature today was around +15-16°C over here. Not very Christmassy, is it? According to the weather forecast, this week's weather won't change significantly, so spring took over in one day. The human meter service predicted dizziness, blood pressure, mood fluctuations, and headache. These symptoms go hand in hand with COVID-19 symptoms - such as fatigue and lack of strength - which make us terribly moody and lifeless. Even the most insignificant moves or tasks require tremendous effort from us, and Ági's stagnant condition makes it difficult for her to cope with the disease and the capricious weather. I wonder when we can call ourselves fully recovered!?

Christmas Eve

Even though today is Christmas Eve, we couldn't decorate the house. What is more, the holiday menu went into the deep freezer because neither of us could think of food. This nasty virus made us so frail that even taking Abby for a walk seemed like going on a Marathon running competition.  Anyway, the weather is not from this world. The 25-30 cm snow that had fallen yesterday melted completely. Today's highest temperature was around +10°C, and the next two days will be warmer. We haven't had a white Christmas for quite a while now. I know it is rather annoying that all my recent entries have been about COVID and the weather. However, the effects of this disease are truly shocking. One loses all their strength and power and becomes a moaning old git that complains about everything, a bit like Mr Meldrew, but worse.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The weather was terrible today. At 4 a.m., the wind was blowing and temperature was around +1°C. The cold remained, but the wind stopped eventually when the heavy snowfall started in the afternoon. By 6 p.m., there was a thick layer of snow everywhere making everyone hope for a white Christmas. However, the warmer front is imminent meaning it'll bring warmer air, so the snow will melt and disappear during the night. We are still under the weather. I'm getting better day by day, although not at the rate at which I'd be glad to see the changes. Nevertheless, Ági's condition is still bad which makes Bothe of us feel down in the dumps. It wasn't the best timing to catch this nasty virus. And the fact that neither of us can focus on anything complex is frightening. I wanted to read a lot, but my wee mind finds it impossible to concentrate. There we are then.

It's not over yet...

Even though I feel much better than two days ago, I still can't find the Jedi in me. Merely a 1k sloth-like walk with Abby makes my back as foamy as a racehorse's during the Darby. Ági's condition is stagnant. She has a nasty cough and headache, and the virus ate her overall strength. This COVID is as nasty as it can get. I wish we were healthy again! Anyway, I had to run some errands today, and by the time I returned home, my shirt was soaking wet. The shops were brimming with nervous customers trying to buy the next unnecessary item for their family, friends, or the hated neighbour. The roads were jam-packed with cars, and getting out of the mall took me 12 minutes. Tomorrow, I'll have to buy some food, so I decided to drive to the local store at 6 a.m. in the hope of avoiding another nervous crowd. The weather is terrible. The cold Northern wind brings grey clouds, much rain and snow, and colder temperatures. Tomorrow's highest temperature will be around +3°C, bu...

Every cloud has a silver lining

While I felt much better this morning, Ági's condition deteriorated. The headache returned, her coughs worsened, and her power left her. The loss of our gustatory and olfactory senses has a positive aspect, we don't need to worry about anything. We wouldn't even notice the stinkiest pair of socks. We sat in front of the TV set and binge-watched the last season of Green Green Grass with Boycie and Marlene. We loved this show as well. Truth be told, we wouldn't have been able to do anything else because of this horrendous virus. Somehow, COVID managed to take away our ability to focus on more complex stories or tasks, so this led to us sitting before the TV and watching several episodes of one of our favourite series.  Today is the 21st of December, and in three days time, we celebrate Christmas. This means one more week, and 2023 will be over. This means it'll be New Year's Eve, which means fireworks, which means a stressed dog. For eff's sake, I wish those b...

Small steps

I had another terrible night. I was waking up for the onset of coughing, not to mention the stuffed nose, which inhibited normal breathing. However, even though these symptoms remained active during the day, I feel much better compared to how I'd felt two days ago. It was agony. I hope this disease disappears by tomorrow! Nevertheless, there are a couple of new symptoms that bother me. We lost our olfactory and gustatory senses, and I might have some hearing impairment as I hear my voice, as if a gelded Popeye had moved into my throat, taking over the control over my vocal cords. After all, I ate almost a package of Swiss anti-cough pastille, no wonder I was standing on the parapet shouting RIIIIII-COOO-LAAAAAAAAA!

The ordeal

The fourth day of my COVID-19 infection is almost over. However, it wasn't a day to remember, if I'm being honest. It all started at 1:00 a.m. when I woke up to change my sweaty pyjamas and couldn't go back to sleep due to my stuffed nose. Since nothing could clear my sinuses, I spent the rest of the night awake, watching silly videos on YouTube. I wanted to read Sir David Jason's book, but I couldn't focus on it because my mind was not in the mood for reading. It simply refused to follow what my eyes tried to pick up from the book, so I thought I wouldn't stress my system because I wasn't in lethal danger after all. After breakfast, Ági persuaded me to take a nap, so I laid myself down. When I woke up almost two hours later, my head wasn't throbbing, I couldn't feel the sharp pain in my muscles and joints, and my body temperature was +37°C. I felt better; only the stuffed nose and the persistent coughing dragged me back to reality. I'm still utt...

COVID at its pinnacle

It's the third day of my battle with COVID. Due to persistent symptoms, I had to call my GP, who prescribed antibiotics. I have never experienced anything similar before. The regular flu we had been infected with was only a flea fart compared to COVID. The unrelenting pain in my body, the initially runny nose that turned stuffed - and the constant coughing make enduring the challenges this illness entails difficult. One of the most peculiar symptoms is sweating like a pig on ice while sitting still. Mind you, would a pig sweat on ice? Anyway, I got a bit better today. I didn't have to take as many painkillers as I'd done yesterday and the day before. However, as the sun set at 3:52 p.m., my condition began to deteriorate. I hope it is an unequivocal sign of getting out of this nasty disease; I truly wish it is!


This is the 300th entry, and I wish I could celebrate it properly, but I’m feeling rather unwell. Since my condition deteriorated after waking up, I had to call a medical emergency. After describing my symptoms - pain in my entire body, throbbing headache, fever, and high pulse rate - the doctor’s diagnosis was COVID. To make sure, he asked us to check it with these rapid tests, so Ági went to buy it at the pharmacy. I had to put this thing into my nose, then put it into the solution, wait for a minute and add it to the test thing. According to the test’s description, in 15-20 minutes, the test showed positive, negative, or failed test signs. As soon as I dripped the solution onto the test, it immediately showed I was positive for COVID. It could have at least waited ten minutes before stating the obvious. Anyway, I feel like a weevil after a thunderstorm. My power left me. Despite the painkiller, the constant pain in my entire body starts to be unbearable. After the coughing bouts, my...


After posting my last entry and returning to the living room, my condition started to deteriorate rapidly. Cold shivers, painful limbs and body, and slight headache were the initial symptoms. I immediately knew it was the beginning of something Ági went through the other day. Reality struck me with the power of an anvil after waking up this morning. The pain got worse in every part of my body. By the end of the afternoon, I got a fever.

Still on the mend...

Ági's condition has improved, but not as much as we would have liked. Fortunately, the throbbing headache had gone, but the cough and the overall fatigue remained. We can't decide if it's COVID or the usual influenza virus because neither of us showed any of the major symptoms the current coronavirus mutation causes. The only thing that makes COVID-19 suspicious at this stage is that our general well-being is not like when we get the "normal" flu. Anyway, enough of this barrage of moaning, we'll survive this nasty infection, eventually.  The weather was fairly good today. The Sun shone, and the Northern wind swept away the dark clouds and dried the roads. Only the big plane at the end of our street is flooded. The extent of the area is probably as big as our little town, and it is covered in water. The latest precipitation has reached the impermeable layer in the soil, which can no longer absorb and drain away the water. It looks like a giant pool. According t...

On the mend

Ági's condition yesterday was anything but promising. Even a crow's cawing would have sounded like the nicest melody compared to Ági's voice. She was heavily under the weather. The time she spent sleeping far exceeded her waking hours. She slept soundly because it seemed the best remedy for her splitting headache. Both Abby and I were worried sick about her. Anyway, she feels much better today, fortunately, so even though this nasty virus was devastating, at least she got over it quickly. She's still not as fit as a fiddle, but she certainly is on the mend.

To feel under the weather

By this morning, Ági's condition deteriorated. She has a sore throat, an overall weakness, a cough, and a terrible headache. This ruddy flu broke out eventually, and she couldn't avoid this nasty virus, unfortunately. I had almost the same symptoms while in Graz except for the cough, but this was replaced by my upset stomach. Fortunately, this infection lasts only two or three days, and the convalescence lasts another two, so she'll be all right by this Saturday. The weather was terrible today. It's been raining since yesterday evening, and even though only the Southern part of the country was hit by torrential rain, the plain between Szentendre and Pomáz is filled up with water already. It looks as if an enormous lake had been created by nature, whereas in reality, the area is used as a pasture for horses. I think we don't need any more rain in the foreseeable future. We hope to see the sun tomorrow, though, as the sky was all grey today.

Illness & convalescence

I had a sore throat while we were in Graz, and my stomach wasn't in its best shape either. However, after returning home, Ági started to show similar symptoms, so what she'd brought home before the journey - I got it from her, I reckon - but couldn't break out in Austria, now got her terribly. I hope Ági's illness passes as fast as mine did. Anyway, I'm still convalescing, and even though I worked out a bit this evening, I feel like a dizzy moth in a sauna. I don't want to blame my age for everything all the time, but time has an interesting effect on our bodies. Two-three decades ago, a couple of sleepless nights were not the end of the world. A good night's sleep did the trick, and I was as fresh as a daisy. However, last night wasn't enough to make up for the three nights in Austria, where the first two nights were okay, but the last was a real nightmare in terms of rolling around in my bed with eyes wide open. But let's not dwell on this, shall w...

Back in Hungary 🇭🇺

Auf wiederschauen Austria! So, our days in Graz ended, which drew a bitter smile on our faces. We were glad to spend this long weekend there, and we were happy to return home, however, both of us wished to spend more time in this beautiful country. Yesterday afternoon, we checked a local restaurant close to our hotel, "Zu den 3 goldenen kugeln", recommended by the hotel staff. They were right. The place was local, not a single tourist among the geezers, except us, of course, and the atmosphere was similar to some of our restaurants in Hungary. Both of us ordered "schnitzel", and none of us regretted it. The portion was enormous, so by the end of the dish, we were full. My already bulging stomach was like a humongous barrel waiting for a wheelbarrow to travel back into the hotel comfortably. We paid for the meal and hit the road like two shaking-legged, confused old pensioners, heading slowly back to the hotel as sloths. We had to drink an espresso at the reception, ...

GRAZ - day 3 - 🇦🇹

Even though this visit of ours to Graz hasn’t been the first one ever to Austria, it never fails to surprise me how different things are here. I’m not necessarily talking about the obviously salient wealth difference, but people’s approach toward life and the  and expectations of their and their environment’s appearance. It is evident that people are better dressed and wealthier, and the overall standard of living is much higher than that of Hungary. The roads are brimming with newer and better cars, and the trams, buses, and trains are much better. The cities and even the small villages are cleaner, better organised, and the overall impression we get is people expect things to be right, organised, and in good condition. When a job needs to be done, they don’t seem to be reluctant to do it, and they demand quality. I don’t think the old Hungarian socialist attitude could work here for more than a second. And yes, the Germans and Austrians might be mocked for their meticulousness - ...

GRAZ - day 2 - 🇦🇹

Even though our room faces the main train station, they did a fantastic job with the noise isolation. We can’t hear the trains unless we open the window. However, I would have a few words with the designer who had the last word about the wall that separates the bathroom from the living room. The idea of using a barn door is not the end of the world, and replacing the traditional wall with glass might sound quite intriguing and even genius, but the fact that the glass window is transparent and there is no curtain in front of it makes the whole concept a tad questionable. Basically, it means once one enters the bathroom and switches the light on, the other one in the room has a full-screen HD version of their activities in there, be it a hand wash, a shower, or, god forbid, something more serious with the involvement of the toilet. So, once I’m about to lay a cable, my best part could watch the whole process. Otherwise, the room is quite cosy, clean, and not too warm or cold. Anyway, the...

GRAZ - day 1 - 🇦🇹

We are in Graz, as Ági’s linguist conference starts tomorrow. We woke up early in the morning. I had to de-ice the cars, which took an hour. Once I finished the job, Ági took Abby to the dog sitter, and I packed my things for the weekend. Abby didn’t want to stay at the dog-sitter - poor thing - but Ági’s callousness conquered her temper tantrum. Travelling to Austria is always a pleasure. The roads were clean, the traffic was not heavy, and taking the scenic route was a brilliant decision. We could have opted for the Balaton route, but the northern direction seemed a better choice. We stopped at an unknown little village, where the shopping mall was phenomenal. We grabbed a coffee and stretched our legs because sitting in a car for hours is not the best thing in the world. Anyway, we arrived at the hotel - which looks great - safe and sound. The room is small but clean, however, the area is a bit dodgy. It’s close to the main train station, which attracts many people, so it is a busy ...

Terrible weather

Horrible weather Snow Rain Christmas in town


I've written 289 entries since I started this blog, and this is number 290. I made a promise to write every day, regardless of my mood, and there have only been two or three days when I really couldn't find time to jot down anything. Anyway, let's focus on what happened today. Apart from the depressing weather, not much worth noting happened today. The snow has melted, and it's been raining since 11 a.m., and now the land looks like a huge slushy pool. Nature tries to make up for the recent arid summers.  We watched the last episode of Only Fools and Horses, and the way they finished the series was beautiful. Sir David Jason's acting was out of this world while he played the role of a happy father of a newborn baby. It was heartwarming to see Cassandra and Rodney get back together, which made the episode complete. I'd love to write about this brilliantly magnificent series a bit more, but the experience is far too fresh to write about it. It needs to sink in fir...

Mr and Mrs Grey

It was snowing when we woke up this morning. A thin layer of snow covered the land and the roads. Still, apparently none of our mediterranean chauffeurs had seen such phenomenon yet, so the annual slide-on-snow pirouette show began. Finnish drivers would laugh themselves to death seeing how our inept, plonker pilots are fumbling on a half-a-centimetre-thick snow. Which was melting. Anyway, the skies were grey today, and it made the already disheartened nation a tad more depressed. Additionally, the end-of-the-year depression contributes to the general mood, which is rather low considering that the usual Christmas shopping fever affects the active members of the consumer society.  Nevertheless, I think it's high time I started to speak about something else; otherwise, I'd run out of the world. So, today, I checked how to properly use commas in English. It wasn't an easy topic, but I managed to clarify a few aspects, and even though I wouldn't say I could master its use, ...

Del Boy, Rodders, Grandad, Uncle Albert, Trigger, Boycie, Marlene, and the others...

Only Fools and Horses Another show is about to end. We'll watch the last episode of Only Fools and Horses this evening, and we already know how much we'll miss the series. Apart from two rather boring episodes, the seven seasons were utterly hilarious, funny, witty, and brimming with unexpected twists and turns. It took us on an emotional roller-coaster that we'd remember for the rest of our lives. We loved every one of them, even though they were villains, committing petty and not-so-petty crimes. There is no better way to say goodbye to them than with a hearty "BONJOUR TRIESTE!" (Image source: )

Don’t worry, everything’s going to be cushty!

Three more episodes, and Only Fools and Horses is over. We'll miss the characters from Nelson Mandela House in Peckham, as well as Boycie and the others. Uncle Albert is a hilarious figure, but I find Grandad even more captivating. His voice and appearance were unforgettably remarkable. Yesterday evening, while giving Ági a foot massage, I saw a couple of interviews with Del Boy, more precisely with Sir David Jason, and he came across as a highly intelligent, modest, but extremely loveable gentleman. Even though the decades turned him into an older man, there is this mischievous twinkle in his eyes while he talks about the show and his character.  The weather was way better today than yesterday. It was much colder outside during the day, but at least we could see the sun. The next two days will be similar to today, but the long-term forecast predicts rain and snow on Wednesday and Thursday. I can't help but wonder if Christmas will be white this year. Chances are we'll have...

Rodney, you're a plonker!

Our enthusiasm for Only Fools and Horses doesn't wane; on the contrary, it doubles after every episode. Even though the series is coming to an end soon - I know it's been a while since they aired the last show on TV, it's the sixth season on DVD, which means there is one more season and the show is over - the standards don't drop. It's too bad they didn't continue it because it's a mesmerisingly fantastically brilliant show. Anyway, the weather was terrible today. There was no sunshine, just dark clouds in the sky, but the rain ceased - every cloud has a silver lining. However, the wind picked up by Abby's walk, which made her do her business nippy. (Ha-ha-ha, nippy also means cold if we talk about the weather, so this fits in the context in more ways than one 🤪 ) Tomorrow will be much colder, so we need to put on our Arctic expedition clothes.

Lovely jubbly, innit?

Today, we watched Only Fools and Horses's final episode of the sixth season. The emotional roller-coaster this series puts you on is baffling. The writer got us to understand the characters without words but grimaces or gestures. It would take tens of pages to write about this series, but there are a few more episodes we need to watch before buckling down to it. It suffices to say that this is one of the best British series we've ever seen, even if it is a classic one. Today, my beginner class was all right. Since we don't have class next Friday - because we are in Graz for Ági's linguistic conference - I thought that apart from the regular reviews, I would emphasise those areas that need more attention. She did a fantastic job again, and I'm glad I can teach her. The weather is so bad that I can hardly find the appropriate words to describe it. It's been raining since yesterday, and it's still pouring. The snow melted, and the rain washed away completely. T...