Winter is back. It's cold outside. The sun rises at 7:03 a.m. and seats at 3:57 p.m. The walks in the freezing wind are anything but pleasant. We found ourselves wanting more than anything to sleep for hours under thick, warm blankets. (I wrapped a winter blanket around my waist, even though it's not cold in the house.)
Anyway, the planned class today must have been postponed due to the internet hiccups Roya experienced and reported yesterday. Fortunately, Ági was keen on learning more, so we decided to check the past simple and continuous and the present perfect simple and continuous tenses. I used the definitions and tasks in my Destination C1&C2 book to explain and practice them. Despite being exposed to the heavy tasks and the tense explanations, Ági did a marvellous job. Undoubtedly, her analytical and language-oriented brain will help her process the information and use these tenses properly, provided that I expose her to more relevant tasks.
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