Apparently, my system resembles a hibernating bear's before winter sets in. This day passed so quickly that I can hardly recollect what happened. I was sleepy throughout the day, and despite the strong espresso I had after lunch, I had to lie down at 2 p.m. and have a kip. After this half-coma-like slumber, which lasted 45 minutes, even though it felt like 2 minutes, I felt like a haggard hamster completing a marathon. My limbs were as heavy as my eyelids, and while I tried to pull my thoughts together, I couldn't form any reasonable idea. I tried to initiate a rational conversation with chatGPT, but I had to admit I wasn't ready for anything more complex than having high tea and surviving the rest of the day. Let's face it; months of sleepless nights took their toll, and my weak system tried to make up for those wake nights. During the afternoon walk, I thought I would fall asleep on every corner. Even now, when I'm writing this entry, it is challenging to keep my eyes open, and it is terribly difficult to resist the temptation and not go to bed at 7:50 p.m.
When I woke up this morning, I knew the day wouldn't be an active one. Nothing sinister happened that would have suggested anything unexpected; it was rather one of those intuitions that depicted how the events of the day would unfold. This gut feeling strengthened when I grabbed Abby's leash and took her for her early morning walk. She was as inactive as I was, and the speed and length of our walk corroborated this theory. We ambled back to the house momentarily. After this painfully short-lived stroll with a surprisingly exhausted canine, I sat in front of the TV, munched my breakfast and slurped the much-needed black nectar in the form of a strong espresso. What a surreal still-life this was. Especially considering how many episodes we have watched from one of the currently watched series. As my system started to absorb the caffeine, switching my wee brain into the first gear, the haze dissipated over today's schedule. Harnessing this ephemeral clear state, I rushed into...
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