I woke up at half past midnight because of the wind. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I jumped out of bed and went down to the basement. I checked my submitted CELTA assignments, lesson plans, tutor feedback sheets, and my self-reflections. What an unbelievable journey the CELTA course was. This time last year, I was about to hand in my second assignment and the plans for my fourth teaching practice. I remember how anxious and nervous I was, and I wanted to quit several times. However, now I'm glad I didn't turn my back on the course. It was a hell of a ride!
My class with the A2 level group today was about reviewing the previous lessons. I created a plan that contained the most challenging parts of the previous lessons. They seemed to enjoy it, and they did a fantastic job. Apart from a few minor mistakes, their performance was top-notch.
The weather was beautiful today. Even though the highest temperature was around +1-2°C, the sunshine compensated this freezing cold. Unfortunately, the next three days will bring a lot of normal and sleety rain. I'm not happy about it, because living on the top of a steep hill means sleety rain will prevent us from going out, otherwise we could slide to the next village.
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