I asked ChatGPT and BING to help me detect mistakes students are prone to make at the A2, B1, B2, and C1 levels. The tools were supposed to write five sentences at each level containing typos and various grammatical, syntactical, and semantical mistakes, among which some must have been flawless - to make my life more difficult. After the third set of sentences, both tools started to produce the same mistakes and write frighteningly similar sentences, so I left them.
My class today with the A2-level group was quite good. They enjoyed the listening practice, and I could boost the retired lady's confidence. Today's performance during the listening task was way better than the first time she'd heard a recording. I was pleased to see how she tried to concentrate and focus on the not-so-easy conversation and how much she could understand, even though she felt otherwise. When I asked her about the text, she described it perfectly.
The weather was interesting today. It's still not the typical mid-November weather. When I left for Budapest, I only wore a T-shirt and a hoody; that's how high the temperature was. We are living in a very interesting time nowadays. It seems that the whole world has turned inside out, and the vague shadows of ominous portents cast a sinister vision of the future at our feet.
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