Draughting the letter about our stance on solar panel installation took almost my whole day. Since our property is part of a communal tenure, it is challenging to navigate the maze of regulations, laws, and private interests, let alone balance every aspect. There were so many details I had to take into account that my wee mind couldn't focus on anything else. Anyway, with the help of Ági, we could end the story and send the letter to our neighbours. But boy, am I exhausted?
I taught a class today. Since Ági and Roya's last regular lessons were long ago, I thought I'd plan an easy lesson for them. The topic was food, which interested both of them. Apart from a few hiccups on my part, I think it went well.
The weather is still strange. The average temperature is ten degrees higher than the typical average temperature in October. And according to the weather forecast, the next four days will be similar, although with less rain.
With the letter done, I can find some time to study. Since my recent teaching experiences allow me to take on more students at the A1-A2 and B1-B2 levels, I think it is high time I started to pick up the knowledge I'd decided to acquire, and I get ready to rumble. Tomorrow, I'll book new lessons with Charlette, finish my homework and jump on the English language horse to gallop again.
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