Why stop at the already completed tasks if someone could find others to fiddle with? Waking up after a short-lived, not-so-great night's sleep, I hurried to grab something to eat. Once the espresso met the breakfast, my mind was ready to deal with the mundane staff. I called the gas man - gosh, this sounded like I had to phone someone having severe bowel issues - and arranged a check-up on the boiler. The closest date he could give us was 16 November. I described my experiences with the boiler, and he reassured me that everything was okay.
After I hung up, my mind went into planning mode. First, I had to plan my day, then the lesson I would like to teach the A2 level group, and finally, the rest of the day. It was already lunchtime once I completed the first half of the lesson plan, so I hurried to the kitchen and prepared some pasta.
Another espresso after the meal did the trick. I was ready to deal with a presumptuous bank clerk, the craftsman store, and the DIY afternoon. When the sun disappeared behind the Pilis hills at 6:30 p.m., I was ready with the painting in the back garden. I must apply two more layers of paint tomorrow, and the wooden plank will be ready.
As for my studies, I must find my way back to studying. First and foremost, I need to find the lost mojo. Secondly, I must stop finding other DIY projects around the house because they will not disappear. I shall leave some tasks for next spring and summer. Thirdly, I must study from the books I've always wanted to go through. It is high time I did something about it. And finally, I must find new students I can teach for money. The lack of income started to vex me tremendously.
The weather was interesting today. It wasn't as cold as the weather forecast had predicted the other day. We even saw the sun, and the gale-force wind avoided us. Moreover, the latest forecast predicts +24°C this Friday, which is odd. Global warming does seem to affect our climate.Autumn changed the colour of the foliage. The leaves are no longer lush green but yellow. It's a tad sad, but this is the natural course of things, so there is no need to moan about it.
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