Once the nosh found its way to our stomachs, we set out to buy some "kifli" for the high tea. We then spent the rest of the day at our place, eating and chatting. At 6 p.m., they were ready to return to Budapest, so I gave them a lift. After saying goodbye to Elizabeth and her friend Suny, I returned home. We hit the bed at 10 p.m. and slept till 7 a.m.
Today, I'd completed the lesson plan I later taught to Ági and Roya. It was about purpose and effect, so we talked about "in order to/that" and "so as to/that". I hope they enjoyed the lesson and I could provide them with valuable information. Even though the topic was difficult and I had to adjust my lesson to the C1 level students' needs, I didn't have the usual apprehension or jitters before and during class, which indicates some kind of progress. While I checked thoroughly what I was going to talk about, it occurred to me that, even though I spent almost a whole day speaking with Elizabeth and Suny in English "und manchmal auf Deutsch", by accepting the fact that I'm not - and most probably never will be - a native speaker, I can still offer classes for those who are interested in learning English. I know my place, I'm perfectly aware of my capabilities - and what levels I could teach confidently - and the notion of getting closer to my being ready to teach is quite a liberating thought. I'll learn some useful things I think I can use while teaching - and things that could raise, maintain, and elevate the students' interest levels.
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