After another terrible night's sleep, waking up was not what I'd thought it would be. To top it off, as the fridge and the pantry were empty, I had to run to the local store to buy something to eat. To my horror, it was closed. Usually, the stores are open on Sundays in Hungary, but this one seemed to defy regularity and went against conventions. Fortunately, the bakery was open, so I could buy two buns to save my rumbling stomach from further ordeals. Since this week was extremely busy - the DIY frenzy - I couldn't buckle down to my previously planned activities this morning. Instead, we went to buy a couple of necessary things in IKEA for the kitchen. And while we were there, we had lunch. The Swedish meatballs floated up to our mouths.
After returning home, I applied another layer of water-repellent stuff to the wall. It only took me five minutes, and when I gave Ági a foot massage afterwards, it dawned on me that the pantry and the fridge were still empty. So, once I finished the manual therapy on Ági's feet, I took Abby for her afternoon walk, and after returning home, we drove to the supermarket to buy some nosh.
Despite my aversion towards the DIY activities in our kitchen, I applied another layer of spackling paste to the wall. I wasn't happy while doing it, though. I'll complete the job tomorrow, so this is what gives me some peace. Fingers crossed...
As for my English studies, I haven't been focusing on it lately. It's high time I did something about it, so tomorrow, I'll revise my previous lessons with Charlette and a couple of units from my books. I must get back into the English studies horse saddle.
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