I saved the kitchen worktop today. It took me four hours, three of which were sanding with my new friend Mr Ryobi, to complete the job, but it was worth it. It doesn't look like a brand-new worktop, but the patches and the signs of wear and tear have been removed. It looks alright, and I wonder how the varnish will improve its look. After today's DIY session, I looked like a tree man. I'm the new superhero of the craftsmen and craftswomen community: a hun with no hun blood in his veins.
I feel knackered after today's shift at the grindstone. My hands and arms have been shaking since I finished the job, and even during Abby's evening walk, I felt this weird trembling sensation. I bet I'll dream about working on the highway doing some maintenance work.
As for my English studies, apart from completing my homework, I couldn't buckle down and concentrate on any topics, so as far as sacrifices go, I'll take it easy this week. The main priority is completing the DIY tasks. In the meantime, I'll give lessons and prepare for the classes, naturally.
The weather is absolutely gorgeous. It's not too hot and not too warm. Perfect for my outdoor DIY frenzy. According to the weather forecast, the week will be warm without rain or any dangerous weather phenomenon. I can easily complete the kitchen worktop, the house's side (covering the "trench"), the fence's wooden railing (painting the wooden slates), and the hallway, which needs another layer of spackling paste, sanding and painting. I'll do my best not to leave anything for the next week.
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