Due to yesterday's ordeal, we had to take a day off. After waking up and realising how wretched the house was, we reluctantly took Abby for her morning walk, combined with my bun procurement. It was already hot outside, and as the temperature ascended, our spirit descended. When we dragged ourselves home - including Abby, who was walking with her tongue sweeping the pavement - all we could think was getting out of the house. As the kitchen revamping included renewing all our old lamps, we decided to check what LED kitchen lamps were available at IKEA. What a brilliant escape plan! It's cunning but not devious, yet simple and genius. It was a brilliant reason to leave the house behind, and it didn't give the impression of doing something in vain.
We arrived at the store far too early, even though we washed the car after the Austrian trip, so instead of waiting like two confused pensioners waiting for a free meal, we checked the department store next to IKEA.
We went to a bookstore to see what was on offer, then bought something to drink, and it was already opening time for IKEA.
The lamp I thought would be a good idea to instal cost far more than anticipated, so we jumped in the car and drove back home. We stopped at the local supermarket to buy some nosh, got a KFC menu - I wish we hadn't - and returned home. The fast food was okay, and beggars can't be choosers without a properly functioning kitchen - it is empty now, and only the stove stands bravely in the middle of the room.
Anyway, Ági had an appointment with her nail specialist - alas, this sounded like she had some fungal infection when the truth is, she had her nails polished, I reckon - and I had an English lesson with Charlette, which was phenomenal. She is the best teacher I've ever met.
The rest of the day was about resting, having some nosh, taking Abby for her afternoon walk, and working out.
I almost forgot: we had to switch on the AC units "inda haus", as the weather is "loco". The highest temperature was +35-36°C, so when we returned from our shopping frenzy, the house resembled a Finnish sauna on full throttle. According to the weather forecast, we must weather the storm till this Sunday, when a cyclone will bring some refreshing temperatures. Until then, we can roast in our lard or switch on the AC units and enjoy the artificial antarctic ambience.
Well, the evening walk with Abby was anything but entertaining. This little rascal stopped by at every blade of grass and ambled like a sloth. While we were knocking about for twenty minutes in the +30°C at 7:30 p.m., it dawned on me how early the sun was about to go down. I wouldn't say I like it. It was a sobering reminder that autumn is around the corner when we will have fewer daylight hours.
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