The colder weather they had forecast didn't bring freezing temperatures. In fact, it only brought a two-degree colder day, so instead of +35°C, the highest temperature today was +33°C. What a cool of, innit? Even the morning was warm, so our little visit to the dentist was not without a sweat.
My English class with Charlette was fantastic. The lesson was all about natural remedies, including applying ayahuasca in indigenous communities in South America. We were talking about how the so-called Western way of thinking affects our perception of the world around us and how people in the developed part of the globe conceive of their roles in the world. It was a fascinating discussion. Besides the class, I asked AI again to help me improve my writing at the C2 level. Although I made some progress, there is still much to learn to reach the Proficient level. I'm on it.
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