I checked the slates we'd painted yesterday and realised they needed more sanding. With this in mind and my airdrops in my ears, I began the tedious donkey work at half past eight because I had to complete the task before Ági's class. My hands were moving as fast as the pistons of a steam train; still, I could only finish fifteen out of the thirty slates.
When I finally dropped my tools, I was sweating like a swine on ice. After taking some time to recharge my batteries, I buckled down to my English studies. I kept asking ChatGPT to give me five random sentences to rephrase. I took four turns when the responsibility of preparing lunch struck me like a cartoon anvil.
I spent the rest of the day with similar activities. The afternoon session began with studying, and then one of our neighbours delivered the concrete tiles I wanted to use outside. When we unloaded his truck, I took Abby for her afternoon walk. Upon returning home, Ági honked virtually behind us, so we opened the gate for her.
Overall, today was a prosperous day in terms of DIY and studying.
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