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Perjantai 🇫🇮 Péntek 🇭🇺 Friday 🇬🇧

The day began early, at 5 a.m. I woke up with a start because I knew if I fell asleep until the alarm clock's signal, I wouldn't be able to pull myself together by the time the craftsmen arrived. However, I stayed in bed until 5:45 a.m. planning my day ahead. Once I dragged myself out of bed, I went shopping. After returning home, I took Abby for her morning walk while Ági covered the machines in the bathroom downstairs. I had a delicious breakfast when the guys arrived to start the tiling work. Once we discussed everything they needed to know, I grabbed a coffee and continued with the report I'd left unfinished yesterday. Fortunately, I could complete my homework and send it to Charlette.

The masons were professional. They finished the tiling work at 1 p.m. and left, but they need to come back tomorrow to finish the grouting. So much for our "Tihany reggeli" - breakfast in Tihany at the "Levendula étterem". Anyway, at least the bathroom will be ship shape and shiny.

After sending my completed homework to Charlette, I engaged in a conversation with ChatGPT. I asked AI to check my homework for grammar, syntax, and semantics and provide feedback on it. It was interesting to see how this massif language model interacted with me. I only took AI five seconds to peruse the text and reply. But boy was the answer brilliant! It is amazing what the human mind is capable of, and at the same time, it is effing frightening. Scientists claim that AI won't be able to conquer the world; nevertheless, I'm not so sure about it. Mr Musk has just introduced the N1 implant and the R1 robot - a robot instead of a flesh-and-blood surgeon - that inserts it into our brains or other parts of our bodies. ChatGPT, the largest language model, Microsoft's Bing, and Google's Barf are interacting with us, and Apple has also been working on something similar allegedly, not to mention Boston Dynamics with their autonomous dogs and robots, so the race and the competition ensure that the already fast speed at which these technologies are developing will exponentially increase. And what will happen to those who lose their jobs because of AI? What will the already lazy and self-entitled masses do in case they're served by AI and robots? "Easy Mungo!"

Change of subject before my wee brain explodes. The weather was beautiful today, the highest temperature was +29°C with clear skies, and our town was lucky because the storm that hit Budapest - and whose dark clouds we could see from a distance - stopped at our town's border almost literally. Taking this opportunity, we went out for a long walk, which turned into a pensioner slug race. At least, that's how it felt.

Anyway, m going to call it a day and finish this malarkey at once...


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