A damp day
This is not the summer we've been waiting for. After a long and tiring autumn and winter - Ági completed her habilitation, and I completed the CELTA course - we thought June would be a warm, sunny, and pleasant month. We couldn't have been more wrong. The highest temperature today was +23°C, and the sky was not free of clouds, rain poured down, so the occasional sunshine couldn't lift the spirit as it made the air suffocatingly humid. What a brilliant introduction?!
Anyway, after devouring my breakfast and gulping down the much-needed coffee, I jumped in the car and took it to give it a good wash. The hood was full of bird excrement, and I didn't want it to damage the varnish. It was in vain because the after the afternoon rain, another pile of shite appeared on it.
As for my English: I grabbed the B2 book that is full of useful texts and started to pore over it. Since the first unit was rather captivating, I decided to go through this and the C1 book as well. Actually, both of them contain words and expressions that I need to review and polish, so next week will be about perusing them. Apart from the book, I did some research on ChatGPT, asking it to explain the meaning of words and expressions that I'd heard previously, but weren't in use since.
Well, this is it for today, I'm afraid, so "Cheerio Bishop!"
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