This Saturday was an uneventfully eventful day, however contradictory it sounds. After waking up and finishing breakfast, one of the masons came to complete the bathroom, which he did by 11:00 a.m. After we handed over the money we owed them, we jumped in the car and drove to buy some bathroom requisites, such as a curtain in the shower and a few towels. Upon returning home at 1:00 p.m., I prepared lunch, devoured it, took Abby for her afternoon walk, grabbed a coffee, and gave Ági a foot massage. Then we went for a 4.5k walk - the weather was beautiful, +24°C with clear skies - after which we both felt like two terribly sick ageing camels.
Anyway, as for my English studies: yesterday night, while Ági was massaging my feet and watching the Tina Turner movie, I did some research on the internet. More precisely, I chatted with Bing. I asked it to check my homework for grammar, syntax, and semantics, provide feedback, and decide whether the piece of writing I submitted was eligible for a CPE essay. It gave me feedback and recommended some online resources that could help me with my CPE preparation, either providing me with useful information or allowing me to do some mock exams, so I checked all those sites this morning and found them exceptionally useful.
Despite being amazed by AI's accuracy and speed, I'm still in a bit of awe and shock while initiating a conversation with AI. It's not the fact that I'm communicating with a machine that scares me rather than the notion of having a meaningful conversation with a pre-programmed piece of technology. But let's not dwell on AI and focus on the day ahead. We'll clean the bathroom tomorrow, put on the new shower curtain, and pop into town for a delicious birthday meal - Ági's birthday 🥳 🎂 🎉 🎁 🎈 🎊 will be on Monday, so a bit of pre-celebration must be done.
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