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DIY & studying

Little did I know about the unfolding of events when I woke up this morning. Despite opening my eyes at 5:45 a.m., but after the alarm went off, I immediately went back to sleep. Anyway, after finishing my usual breakfast, I began my shrubbery cutting. There is this enormous bush at the back of our common garden, and although a shady guy and his mother cut it last year for an excruciating amount of money, they couldn't finish the requested job properly. Actually, the bush looked like a small jungle by now, and it was high time I got the pruning shears and the saw. It took me two and a half hours to prune only one-third of the mini forest, but boy, was I sweating like a pig on ice? Tomorrow we'll get the wood chipper to chop up the branches. It'll surely be another two and a half hours job.

As for my English studies: I merely did some sentence rewriting, meaning I asked ChatGPT to create five sentences at the C2 level that I can rewrite, and it can revise and give me feedback on how to make my English more natural. It was an interesting session with AI, I must say, but at the same time, it was a bit frightening. It's not completely ready yet to carry out such complicated tasks in bulk because, after the tenth round, it kept repeating the same sentences with different subjects and objects. It wasn't fun anymore, so I said goodbye to it.

Other than that, the weather was terrific today. The highest temperature was around +28°C with clear skies, so working in the garden was pleasant. Tomorrow will be similar; however, Wednesday will be cold, rainy, and windy. The rest of the week seems fine, and if things pan out, we might visit our mate at his bungalow at lake Balaton. 


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