A boring ordinary middle-class Saturday
I couldn't fall asleep yesterday night until 12 p.m., and I don't know why. I was tired and thought I'd go to bed early, but as the minutes passed, I got more awake instead of falling asleep. No wonder my wake-up was like my make-up. Non-existent, to be precise. Anyway, I took Abby for her early morning walk, then I fed her and myself, grabbed a coffee and had a chit-chat with Ági. When we finished the call, I washed the dishes and decided to cut the hedge in the backyard. I couldn't complete the whole hedgerow because it was like a thick rainforest. Last year, we paid a lot of money for a so-called expert to get it done, but they were a bunch of idiots with no expertise. 11:30 a.m. I had to drop my tools and seek shelter because the sun was scorching, so I went upstairs, drank a bucket of water, showered and prepared lunch - rice with tuna, tomato, and cucumber, seasoned with olive oil, lemon, and dill. I grabbed a coffee after the meal, and boy, was it delicious? The new Bialetti moka pot is fantastic. It only makes half a portion of coffee, but it is so tasty. When I slurped the last drop of liquid black nectar, I thought I'd be as fresh as a daisy. But no, the contrary happened, so I let my weary body sink into the sofa, and my eyelids slowly close. I couldn't sleep due to the extremely loud moan-lower our neighbour was operating, but this couldn't bother Abby, who crawled next to me and fell asleep immediately. When we woke up, I took her for her afternoon walk, which became a snail competition for her. It was so warm outside that she could hardly walk, so we returned home right after she finished her business, and then I thoroughly checked her fur for thorns. I spent the afternoon talking to Ági, cleaning the house, and practising tai chi. Then I took Abby for her evening walk - it wasn't long for the warm weather - returned home, showered, fed Abby, talked with Ági, and started to write in my diary.
"What an exciting life I lead, don't I?"
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