Charlette got in touch today. Fortunately, all is well over there. It's the unreliability of the internet that impedes further lessons. But once they get to Argentina, she can continue giving lessons. Till then, I'll stick to my plan and progress as much as possible. Besides reviewing the previous units, I did several open-cloze tests with promising results today. Although I could have done better, I'm not despondent. On the contrary, it inspires me to learn from my mistakes.
The weather was beautiful today. The temperatures were high, and the mild wind and the short drizzle couldn't make it unbearable. Tomorrow will bring much better weather, according to the weather forecast, which we'll need since the roof guys will come to finish the job. What an exciting life I'm leading, aren't I? Anyway, spring is unequivocally here. The buds are booming, and the birds are tweeting and chirping almost 24/7.
Despite Abby's progress, we decided not to take her to Vienna next month. Moreover, even I'm not going with Ági, which is a bit painful. It would have been lovely to spend ten days there and enjoy the Austrian culinary delights, such as the famous Wiener Schnitzel, or the bakeries' offers, like BUtterpinze and other delicacies. One day maybe...
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