I've just come back from the dentist's. Panic over. It wasn't as painful an experience as on several occasions when I'd brimmed my thong. There are five more teeth they need to work on, which means five more panicky events in the dentist's chair. Well, this guy is the best dentist I've ever met. He tells jokes that one can laugh their heads off. And the worst part is that I cannot reply or say anything with my mouth wide open and his hands fiddling with the drill and other paraphernalia. I can only squeak and gurgle, which makes the sound of the saliva ejector even more ridiculous. Brilliant.
I started to pore over the 'Straight to Advanced' book. Despite finding the book not that difficult, I'm glad that I began with the C1 level, so I'm confident that I can successfully prepare for and sit a CAE exam soon. There are a couple of topics I must work on, but the overall impression is promising. It's good to have some confidence booster...
Well, this is it for today. I must go and play with Abby a bit and return to the book to finish the first lesson today and tomorrow.
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