Ági's books arrived today. What great news! (The publisher's website.) I'm so proud of her! It's not a fairytale for little girls to read on a cloudy Sunday afternoon while sipping warm cocoa rather than a hardcore linguistic masterpiece. She'd spent a good few years researching and putting together the basis of her habilitation, which she could defend eventually with flying colours - meaning the final grade was the best possible with 100% - so hard work paid off, fortunately. We must celebrate it! I'll pop out for some cake...
As for my learning/exam preparation: I went through the third unit in the book and made some irritating mistakes. On the one hand, I'm not happy about them. On the other hand, I'm happy to discover and correct them now and not during the exam. Half of these mistakes can be attributed to my being heedless and inattentive. The other half stems from various other reasons, such as not using or learning them yet.
The weather is getting weird. It was sunny and warm, but the afternoon brought some changes: stronger wind, dark sky and some rain, and it's getting worse tomorrow. I'm not happy about it, but what can we do about this whimsy season? Exactly, nothing...
Well, I feel a tad hungry, so I'll nip down to get some beetroot juice and more rice and potatoes... Bon appétit pour moi...
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