I feel a bit better today compared to how I'd felt the day before. The night wasn't too bad, and I didn't even wake up. However, my energy level and mood, hand in hand, reached an all-time low which does my head in. I'm neither hungry nor thirsty, which is weird, so my menu today consisted of four bananas, some rice and a couple of pints of Isostar. I hope I get well soon. I took Abby for her afternoon walk, and I was knocking about like an old confused pensioner. What concerns me more is that Ági shows similar symptoms, so fingers crossed that she didn't catch this nasty virus.
I reviewed the first lesson from the 'Straight to Advanced' book and am ready to continue. Nevertheless, the advanced phrasal verbs, collocations, and idioms books caught my attention, too. It is high time that I started to revise and finish them as well.
I read an interesting article today about the Pioneer plaques, more precisely The Golden Records sent to space a couple of decades ago aboard the Pioneer 10 and 11 spaceships in the hope of reaching Saturn and Jupiter and, should they leave the solar system and inadvertently find any extraterrestrial life, they could explain to them who and where we are in the solar system. I don't know if any other life forms out there intelligent enough to seize, read, and interpret such information would want to come to Earth and have a pleasant chit-chat with us while sipping a nice cup of tea and having some biscuits. Suppose there are intelligent life forms to capture this message; they might be technologically more advanced, which means they already know about us. And as they haven't contacted us yet - only in the phantasies and stories of some exceptionally highly imaginative writers - the chances of them striving to contact us are practically null.
Anyway, the weather was lovely today. It was sunny and warm at +19°C, but the afternoon brought inclement weather. Right now, a yellow alert is in effect, and we expect massive rain with gale-force wind. The sky is dark grey, and the ominous clouds don't look too good. I'm not happy...
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