We went out today because we had passed the last few months in captivity. Well, not verbatim, obviously, but it felt like being in a cell. Ági's habilitation took a lot of time and effort for her to prepare for her exam, and I had to spend most of my time in my little office throughout the CELTA course. Anyway, it was nice to get away from home.
As for my studies, I revised the previous three lessons from the Intermediate phrasal verbs book and found a few that need a bit of memorization. No biggie, and they are the following ones:
- To play (sth) up (sth) - to behave badly; to cause someone problems or pain; to make something seem more important or better than it really is, especially to get an advantage.
- To look (sb/sth) up - to become better; to visit or contact somebody; to look for information in a dictionary.
Apart from this little excursion and the long walk with Abby, not much happened today. I still feel tired after the CELTA course. However, there are signs of me emerging from this state and getting back into the saddle to start a new chapter in my life.
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